Tiger Fans.....just an update on some football news. Due to lack of numbers and the risk of spreading our kids too thin, we are combining our Freshmen and JV teams and eliminating the C team for this season. This move is only temporary as we hope to bring all three teams back next year. Here is what is going on this week:
Monday Aug 28
Golf in Boise
Tuesday Aug 29
Volleyball @ Canyon Ridge 6p
Wednesday Aug 30
Girls Soccer @ Burley 4:30
Boys Soccer vs Burley 4:30
Thursday Aug 31
JV Football @ Kimberly 6:30
Volleyball @ Twin Falls 5p
Friday Aug 32
Football vs Kimberly 7p
Saturday Aug 33
Cross Country @ Soda Springs
See what I did there?
Have a great week and get out and support the Tigers!!!